Thursday, February 27, 2020

Why has the New Christian Right been so successful in US politics Essay

Why has the New Christian Right been so successful in US politics since the early 1990s - Essay Example America was one of the most liberal democratic countries in the world until recent times. People from all over the world and from different cultures stayed in harmony in America because of the immense freedom and liberties supplied to them by the most civilized administrations in America. Even though America is a Christian dominant country, Hindus, Muslims, Jews and Sikhs faced no discrimination in America until recent times. In fact they were able to establish their own churches, mosques and temples and were able to spread their religion across America. However, 9/11 world trade centre attack by some of the terrorists forced America to rethink and redefine its policies towards people from other cultures and countries. America society is believed to be the most liberal society in the world. Same sex marriages, gayism, lesbianism and homosexuality are accepted life styles in America at present. Americans do not bother much to reveal their sexual orientation at present. Instead of marriage, the new concept of living together is getting popularity in America now. However, it should be noted that a substantial portion of American population still believe in traditions, customs and religions. They are not ready to accept the changes with both hands. Such people started the efforts to regain the lost values, customs and traditions in America society. As a result of that, concepts such as Christian Right and New Christian Right started to develop in America. Christian right is a term used to describe the right political groups in America. It is an informal coalition of various religious communities such as Catholics, Evangelists and Protestants. Right wing political groups in America are adamant in their beliefs and are not ready to dilute their religious beliefs for political gains. They are keen in developing a political system in accordance with the Christian doctrines. As Republican Party principles are

Monday, February 10, 2020

Critical review the opportunities and constraints of ecotourism Thesis

Critical review the opportunities and constraints of ecotourism development in Hong Kong - Thesis Example Despite the diversified resources for ecotourism development in Hong Kong, the ecotourism industry has not germinated to become a prosperous industry. The government has already started to provide funding for the development of ecotourism in 2001 (Yeung et al., 2004). However, the ecotourism industry could not make any progress. Could it be attributed to the fact that our resources are not good enough to attract tourists? If not, what went wrong? In this context, the present chapter seeks to find the way ecotourism can capitalize the potentialities of the environmental resources including human beings for the development and growth of the economy. The researcher attempts to review the resources available in the country in detail with projection of opportunities for further development in the sector and thereby economic development. The chapter contains factual information on resources in the country supported by researcher’s assessment of how these resources are turned into means of ecotourism development. An attempt is also made by the researcher to analyze the impact of ecotourism on country’s resources. It is desirable that the study of the identification of resources for ecotourism development must precede the exploration of whether the country is really having the potentialities to make use of the resources. As understood by everyone, ecotourism is not supposed to endanger the environment and cultural heritage of a country. It must seek to find ways to enjoy the natural beauty of the country and should in no way affect the culture and lives of the local populace. One of the significant study by Cater remarked that during the 1980s, annual tourist arrivals in certain ‘ecotourism destinations’ are more than doubled and tourist receipts grew tenfold (Cater, 1994). In the early 1990s, one of the official reports of World Tourism Organization (WTO) predicted that there